The latest superhero movie to hit the cinemas is none other than the Amazing Spider man 2.
When I first heard about it, I was told right away that there were 3 villains and that raised some hope of how the fight scenes between the hero and villains would be like, after all 3 vs 1 is definitely difficult for Spider man. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. It was a 1 vs 1 fight. I would get to that later on.
The focus of the movie is the villain Electro. For some weird reason, they chose a character who was a Black. He in no way resembles the actual impression I had of him based on cartoons way back. No yellow and green costume, just bluish energy like. I mean I get the CGI and visuals and all but it is totally different.
Electro is supposed to look like this for your information, from the comics and cartoons.
The final fight scene between Electro and Spider man was really good, even though it wasn’t as challenging as expected. Overcharge the dude. Yea, we didn’t see that coming for sure.
I didn’t really get how Gwen died. After all she didn’t hit the ground. Peter still held her back with his webbing. It’s like the appearance of Green Goblin, his purpose was to kill her. It’s so DUH when you see the Green Goblin appear and he positions himself strategically between Gwen and Peter. Brave girl but for all she is worth, she is to die.
Oh and then for once, we see how utterly useless Spider man is when Goblin flies over the clock tower and his webbing can’t reach the Goblin. He’s stuck on the surface of the tower and the Goblin flies above with Gwen, mocking him.
The movie ends off with a bang, the introduction of a third villain. I was wondering when he would appear. Who is it? It’s the Rhino. Yes, a man in a metallic suit, made to look like a rhino. I was like huh? Are you kidding me? This is how the Rhino should look like.
The Rhino is like Electro, both of them are in suits that represent their powers.
I don’t know about others but for me, I was quite disappointed with the movie. I expected the villains to look a certain way and behave in a certain way. We all know the plot, so there’s nothing really new about it. Of course, the CGI and visuals were good, nonetheless. As they say, when you watch a super hero movie, don’t raise your hopes. As for this depiction of Spider man and the villains, it’s a new one and I personally don’t welcome the change. I would rate this movie 3.9/5.